New stock!

New stock!

Hi there!

I've been a bit quiet recently (had a mild case of COVID amongst other things!), so I thought I'd let you know about some new stock I've just uploaded to the website.

For the collectors out there, or if you're in need of something specific, I have a host of new tumble stones:

Chalcopyrite - helps align and unblock the chakras

Clear quartz - the "master healer", great for focus and manifestation

Fluorite - cleanses and stabilises the aura. It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress.

Garnet - revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.

Jet - great at grounding; also known as a stone of good luck and one that brings clarity during trials and tribulation

New jade - helps restore emotional balance, bringing control to your daily routine

Prehnite - enables you always to be prepared. Prehnite calms the environment and brings peace and protection. It teaches how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces.

Rhodonite - produces generosity, joy, and happiness to anyone who constantly works with or carries a piece. Rhodonite is a very strong stone that helps reduce and suppress anxiety. This stone is a comforting stone that will “hold you” in times of need and can even be rubbed in times of distress.

Tiger iron - said to contain the metaphysical properties of its component stones -the grounding power and circulatory affinity of hematite; the healing power and blood-cleansing abilities of red jasper; the energizing power and clarity inducing strength of tiger's eye - as well as being considered powerful in its own right. 

African turquoise - Turquoise is said to bring good fortune and peace, and protect, heal, and defend against outside influence.

I've also just got new selenite pieces in - bowls and charging plates, both circular and square.  And some new tea light holders, as I had a bit of a run on those over the last month.

Pop over and have a browse! 

Cathy X



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