Durrington vintage car show

Durrington vintage car show

We spent last weekend in Durrington in Wiltshire with a stall in the marquee at the annual vintage car show.

We had a great time - the organisation was excellent, our fellow traders in the marquee were a friendly group of people - and thank goodness we were in the marquee out of the sun!  There was a real sense of camaraderie, with traders looking out for each other.  I have no clue how much water we got through, but it was a lot!

I didn't notice the photo of me behind the stall being taken; the first I knew was when it appeared on the Durrington Facebook feed!

The crowds were out over the two days, and we met so many lovely people.  I'm in my element chatting crystals with people.  We'll definitely be going back next year.

Roll on July 2023!  


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